Thursday, June 29, 2006

The reason i have not been writing for quiet some time is, firstly i was feeling very bored to write and secondly also the same reason.. Some thing good also happened, which kept me busy and its none other than the telecast of ESPN STAR... major boost apart from the Soccer World Cup would be Formula 1.

its been nearly , well 3 years since i watched a full fledged F1 race.. and atlast it happened. i watched both the British as well as the Canidian Grand Prix. though i would have liked Schumy to be on th podium, it was Alonso dominting all the way. This guy, is just driving amazing and the car is jus fantastic, Ferrari have just been out runned. Hope some miracle happens for Ferrari and Schumy. Damit..!! its only till July 9th tat i would get these 2 channels... (That's when world cup ends).

Coming to the World Cup, i was in a fix as to which team i should support to, definitely not France - bcos Henry plays for Arsenal and i dont like Arsenal beating Manchester United... so ruled out.. Brazil- they have already won 5 time, why not give a chance for others.. Germany, Italy - ok.. no comments..
i think i will go for Ukraine or Portugal- - Svechenko, C.Ronaldo.. but not sure
Argentina - though they have won earlier i think i will support them.. Saviola plays well.. he plays for Barca and they do defeat Real Madrid... so ok.. i have decided am supporting Argentina... will join Maradona's army..

well, tomor.. the quarter fianals start.. and Argentina play Germany.. score line 2 - 0 (hopefully...!!!)
ok.. so when the quarter finals are over, i will be back to say a few words..

and soccer fans... i hope u saw the 25 passes made by Argentina against S&M - best goal i have seen in a long time.. much better than Beck's free kick... wat u say...???

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