I have been driving for over 8 months now and managed to drive so far without any scratches in my car. Anyone driving in the city of Chennai would know how tough it is really to drive without any hits. But finally the jinx was broken, thanks to our good old MTC (Metropolitan Transport Corporation) bus driver.
The incident, rather accident or what should I say..... happened near Dashprakash bus stop. It was 7 PM and as always the traffic was at its peak and I was not driving rash or fast also (how can I drive fast...!!!) just driving in second gear. I had halted to the right of the bus waiting for the traffic to clear ahead of me. Then suddenly it all happened, the bus was standing in the stop and the driver seeing only to his left started the vehicle and rammed to the left of my car, left rear door went inside and luckily petrol tank was not much damaged apart from the paint of the bus and scratches. Luckily the door could open.
As expected the driver just left the place, damage only to my vehicle.. Sob.. :(
Now I have given the vehicle for repairs and God knows how much the damage would cost me..